In the long and enjoyable process of language learning, conjugation is one of the often scary, unappealing, but basically indispensable steps. Verbs are undoubtedly one of the trickiest parts of Spanish, and it is not difficult for new learners to master them. Many people get stuck and lost with conjugation when learning the language. Therefore, there are a few key points you need to know to improve your Spanish conjugation.

More practice

Even if your knowledge of the language seems to be limited, it is still necessary to speak Spanish from the beginning. This will allow you to get used to the nuances of the language and the use of verbs. Daily practice of Spanish is a factor in improving your knowledge. Having language exchange partners is a good way to practice on a weekly basis. Another best option for practising is to watch a film or programme and interrupt it frequently to repeat the dialogue. While listening, you can stop to analyse why a verb might be conjugated in a certain way. This will help you to speak, improve your vocabulary and develop a more natural approach to tricky verb conjugations. Although solo practice is important for language learning, having a good tutor is an essential key to helping you master the ups and downs of the Spanish language. An expert in the field can offer you help with the difficult parts of language learning (such as difficult conjugations) and make the process easier. On this site, there are also applications to help you improve your Spanish conjugation.

Getting more visibility

When something sounds in your native language, you can probably hear it. You don't need an explanation or research in a grammar book to understand it, you already know it naturally. Therefore, it is not an ability that anyone is born with, but rather the product of hundreds of thousands of hours of exposure to the language in all aspects of life. If your goal is to achieve a certain level of fluency in Spanish conjugation, you will also need to apply the exposure method to your learning process. This means finding ways to discover and learn conjugation as much as possible. This can be done by listening to music, podcasts or watching films or TV shows in Spanish. You can also learn to improve conjugation by interacting with native Spanish speakers. This will give you more advantages in developing your conjugation skills. The more you hear them speak, the easier it will be to understand when something is wrong with your own speech, especially when it comes to those difficult conjugations.

Mastering the basics

There are several forms of conjugation in Spanish that are fairly simple to learn. Instead of trying to tackle all the conjugations of the Spanish language at once, the important thing is to focus on the ones you are most likely to use in everyday life. To begin with, you can learn the regular verbs that end in - ar. Once you feel you have mastered them, the present tense of regular verbs ending in - er will come much more naturally. From there, you can turn your attention to the future and past tense of the same verbs. Once you understand this, you will have covered a lot of the verb conjugations. Furthermore, the use of verbs is the most important element in order to feel the mastery of Spanish verbs. Indeed, the more you hear so many verbs used by Spanish speakers, the more you start to know how to conjugate the verbs.