Nowadays, millions of people are opting for an ultra-connected lifestyle. These people prefer to use their smartphones or computers to do their shopping without leaving their homes, which makes their lives easier. Businesses also use applications to interact with their customers and gain more visibility.

The benefits of having connected applications

As the majority of people use connected smartphones, tablets and computers, 90% of their time spent on these devices is spent using an app. These connected applications therefore play an important role in advertising, i.e. in marketing. It is therefore advisable to run advertising promotions in these applications, as there is a reduction in costs compared to traditional advertising. In addition, the population has democratised online shopping. It has even become a trend in recent times. So there is a loyalty of customers in displaying their products in connected applications. For more information, please click here

Why develop connected applications?

First of all, connected applications allow its users to have quick access to information of interest to them. There is some improvement in communication with customers through their attachment to their smartphones. Connected applications also offer a better experience to its users because of the multiple features that these applications offer. In the case of business, a company can improve its image through the creation of a connected application. This allows the company to get closer to its customers, as the company's brand is constantly exposed to customers through their smartphones. These connected applications also allow the company to improve its turnover, as the applications encourage potential customers to consume immediately and make spontaneous purchases.

How does the management of connected applications work?

There is a certain mechanism in the operation of connected applications. It is the application developers who create and elaborate the flows concerning the connected applications. Subsequently, it is the administrators who set the permissions and policies to control the use of these applications. Application developers can create connected applications for their own accounts, but they can also be used by companies to build their connected applications. Administrators have the ability to deny access to applications as well as allow access. They have full control over their connected applications.